Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tiny kicks...BIG attitude

     As of a few nights ago I have been feeling the baby move on a regular basis. For now they are just tiny flutters or small thumps but I know soon they will turn into actual kicks and even small elbows. I can't wait until they grow stronger as our precious baby continues to grow. More than anything I can't wait until my husband is able to feel them with me. I constantly try to explain to him what it feels like but there are simply no words.

     As many of you already know we had another baby appointment today. We are of course always excited to go and see our perfect baby but this time we were especially excited because we were hoping to get a guess on the baby's sex. Each time we have been so far the Dr. has commented on how stubborn the baby is, it is either moving too much or not wanting to move at all. So why we thought this time would be any different I have no idea because sure enough the baby wanted to keep its back to us the entire time. It did allow us to get two pretty good pictures of its precious little face but of course it wouldn't show us what we really wanted to see. It seems our baby already has it's daddys attitude :D So for now it seems that we will just have to be patient and wait until our next appointment in April. The Dr. also informed me that before then I need to have a serious conversation with the baby about the word cooperation. We'll see how well that actually works.

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